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. 2018 Aug 21;125(10):1449–1459. doi: 10.1007/s00702-018-1916-y

Table 6.

One linear hierarchical regression was performed for each group (controls, PD ON and PD OFF medication)

Group Step Independent variables Unstandardized B Std. error of B Standardized B p value
HC Step 1 Average motion − 0.055 18.62 − 0.001 ns
Step 2 Average motion 0.203 17.50 0.002 ns
BC of pain network − 10.17 4.89 − 0.39 0.049
Step 3 Average motion − 8.65 16.88 − 0.09 ns
BC of pain network − 9.99 4.57 − 0.38 0.039
GE of pain network − 0.218 0.10 − 0.38 0.046
PD OFF Step 1 Average motion − 5.43 65.11 − 0.02 ns
Step 2 Average motion − 38.30 57.43 − 0.13 ns
GE of pain network 0.171 0.059 0.55 0.009
PD ON Step 1 Average motion 27.32 36.34 0.158 ns

To control for motion, average motion during scanning was entered at Step 1 as a covariate, after which a forward stepwise method was used to add significant independent variables to the model

BC betweenness centrality, GE global efficiency, ns not significant