Fig. 4.
Meta-analysis of CS-free clinical remission rates among patients with Crohn’s disease receiving vedolizumab at the time points: a week 6; b week 14; c 6 months; and d 12 months. The size of each square represents the weight given to each study based on sample size. Error bars represent 95% CIs. Diamonds represent the point estimate of the averaged study rates; the lateral tips of the diamonds represent 95% CIs. CI confidence interval, CS corticosteroid. Data from Amiot et al. [23], Baumgart et al. [24], Dulai et al. [46], Kopylov et al. [86], Samaan et al. [36], Shelton et al. [13], Dulai et al. [46], Samaan et al.a, Stallmach et al. [38], Eriksson et al. [29]. aUnpublished clinical data provided courtesy of Dr. Mark A. Samaan and Dr. Peter Irving from their UK study, 2016