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. 2018 Aug 13;35(9):1400–1410. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0762-5

Table 1.

Distribution of patients according to disease characteristics and the duration of treatment (FAS)

Diagnostic certainty, n (%) n = 2467
 Possible 1717 (69.6)
 Probable 699 (28.3)
 Proven 51 (2.1)
Type of IFI, n (%) n = 2467
 Aspergillus-infected patients 81 (3.3)
 Candida-infected patients 294 (11.9)
 Not identifiable 2092 (84.8)
Diseases, n (%) n = 2467
 Gastrointestinal mycosisa 23 (0.9)
 Fungemia 56 (2.3)
 Respiratory mycosisb 1063 (43.1)
 Not identifiable 1325 (53.7)
Duration of treatment, n (%) (weeks) n = 2467
 ≥ 4 102 (4.1)
 ≥ 2 to < 4 518 (21.0)
 ≥ 1 to < 2 874 (35.4)
 < 1 973 (39.4)
Fever, n (%) (n = 2458)c
 Yes 1403 (57.1)d
 No 986 (40.1)
 Not examined 69 (2.8)
Imaging examinations, n (%)e
 Chest radiography n = 2467
  Normal 23 (0.93)f
  Abnormal 438 (17.8)f
  Not examined 2006 (81.3)
 Chest CT (n = 2462)g
  Normal 20 (0.8)h
  Abnormal 914 (37.1)h
  Not examined 1528 (62.1)
 Other imaging examination (n = 2465)i
  Normal 15 (0.6)j
  Abnormal 92 (3.7)j
  Not examined 2358 (95.7)
Mycological examinations, n (%) n = 2467
 Positive 422 (17.1)
 Negative 770 (31.2)
 Not examined 1275 (51.7)

CT computed tomography, FAS full analysis set, IFI invasive fungal infection, SD standard deviation

aGastrointestinal mycoses were suspected or confirmed gastroenteritis (diarrhea and abdominal pain, or incidence confirmed by fecal culture, respectively)

bRespiratory mycoses included suspected or clinically confirmed pneumonia due to Candida or Aspergillus spp.

cData unavailable from nine patients; gfive patients; and iseven patients for fever, chest CT, and other imaging examinations, respectively

dBody temperature (mean [± SD]) of patients with fever was 38.6 °C (± 0.7); data were collected from 1400 patients (missing data, n = 3)

ePatients may have received more than one type of imaging examination

fThe longest diameter of the lesion was measurable for n = 6 (0.2% of 438 patients); hn = 42 (1.7% of 914 patients); and jn = 5 (0.2% of 92 patients) for chest radiography, chest CT, and other imaging examinations, respectively