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. 2018 Apr 27;41(5):839–848. doi: 10.1007/s10545-018-0186-z

Table 2.

Anthropometry, cognitive involvement and functioning in daily life

Patient Height (cm) and BMI (kg/m2) at last follow-up Cognitive impairment (Y/N) Highest education qualifications Impairment in ADL/ wheelchair user (Y/N) In employment (Y/N)
1 129 (16) N Secondary education N/Y* Y
2 171 (24) N Academic education N/N Y
3 144 (28) N Secondary education N/N y
4 170 (24) Y, mild [IQ 65] Secondary education N/N Y
5 170 (22) Y, mild Special needs education Y/N N#
6 176 (33) N Professional education Y/N^ Y
7 150 (52) N N.A. Y/Y (from age 23 years onwards) Y
8 145 (24) N University Y/Y Y
9 179 (23) N University N/N Y
10 169 (29) Y, mild [IQ 70] Secondary school N/N N
11 158 (21) N College N/N Y
12 160 (20) N (OCD, depression) Secondary school N/N N
13 + Y, mild College (assisted) Y/Y N

Y; yes, N; no, IQ: intelligence quotient, ADL: activities of daily living, *can walk 400 m without a wheelchair, #: was previously employed, ^: rollator-dependent, + height could not be measured (wheelchair-dependent for many years), weight 45 kg