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. 2018 Aug 15;121(4):304–318. doi: 10.1038/s41437-018-0132-8

Table 3.

Posterior demographic parameter estimates with 0.05–0.95 confidence intervals for each marker based on approximate Bayesian computation analysis

Parameter SSR RAD-SSR RAD-SNPti RAD-SNPtv Combined
Peak CI (0.05–0.95) Peak CI (0.05–0.95) Peak CI (0.05–0.95) Peak CI (0.05–0.95) Peak CI (0.05–0.95)
tb1 10 (10–10) 11 (10–12) 12 (10–17) 13 (10–21) 11 (10–17)
t1 45 (17–308) 99 (39–632) 14 (10–32) 27 (12–132) 23 (10–415)
t2 1021 (545–1314) 757 (488– 1260) 932 (559–1254) 765 (515–1203) 789 (521–1274)
NeBr 6884 (4429–9703) 4547 (4133– 9110) 4668 (4183–9332) 4701 (4178–9320) 4650 (4194–9494)
NeSc 6399 (4412–9396) 9143 (5148– 9774) 9475 (6209–9909) 9234 (5457–9845) 9384 (4800–9826)

Final column indicates estimates using combined information from all marker distributions

tb1 time of bottleneck in British populations, t1 time of divergence of British populations, t2 time of divergence of British and Scandinavian populations, NeBr British historic (pre-bottleneck) effective population size, NeSc Scandinavian effective population size