Fig. 1.
Archeological and genetic characterization of Szólád and Collegno. a Map of Europe showing the location (blue dots) of the two cemeteries and regional context is included (the Roman province of Pannonia in burgundy and the Longobard Kingdom in beige). b, c Spatial distribution of graves in Szólád and Collegno (first period burials only) with indication of sex (different shapes), genetic ancestry (different colors) and summary of archeology (yellow dots for presence/absence of grave furnishings and green dots for the presence of wooden elements in grave structure). Kindreds (in the biological sense) are indicated by gray shading in b and c. N = FIN + GBR + CEU, S = TSI. The map image in a is modified from the original Blank_map_of_Europe_(with_disputed_regions).svg ( by maix ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license