Body composition and ectopic fat. Body weight (A), fat mass (B), VAT mass (C), IHL (D), and soleus IMCL (E) were unchanged (P ≥ 0.07). Relative to the control group, RS2 reduced soleus EMCL (F) by Δ = −0.94 ± 1.75% (P = 0.05); however, this was driven by an increase in soleus EMCL in the control group (0.68 ± 1.46%; P = 0.03) rather than an improvement in the RS2 group. n = 30 and n = 29 participants completed the control and RS2 interventions, respectively. Data are displayed as mean ± SD and were analyzed by t tests. * P ≤ 0.05 for the between-group difference, †P ≤ 0.05 for the within-group change. EMCL, extramyocellular lipid; IHL, intrahepatic lipid; IMCL, intramyocellular lipid; RS2, type 2 resistant starch; VAT, visceral adipose tissue.