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. 2020 Nov 16;7:1141. Originally published 2018 Jul 26. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.15666.3

Table 2. Clustering methods.

Method Description Reference
ascend (v0.5.0) PCA dimension reduction (dim=30) and iterative hierarchical clustering 36
CIDR (v0.1.5) PCA dimension reduction based on zero-imputed similarities, followed by hierarchical clustering 37
FlowSOM (v1.12.0) PCA dimension reduction (dim=30) followed by self-organizing maps (5×5, 8×8 or 15×15 grid,
depending on the number of cells in the data set) and hierarchical consensus meta-clustering to
merge clusters
monocle (v2.8.0) t-SNE dimension reduction (initial PCA dim=50, t-SNE dim=3) followed by density-based clustering 25, 39
PCAHC PCA dimension reduction (dim=30) and hierarchical clustering with Ward.D2 linkage 33, 40
PCAKmeans PCA dimension reduction (dim=30) and K-means clustering with 25 random starts 33, 41
pcaReduce (v1.0) PCA dimension reduction (dim=30) and k-means clustering through an iterative process.
Stepwise merging of clusters by joint probabilities and reducing the number of dimensions by PC
with lowest variance. Repeated 100 times followed consensus clustering using the clue package
RaceID2 (March 3,
2017 version)
K-medoids clustering based on Pearson correlation dissimilarities 43
RtsneKmeans t-SNE dimension reduction (initial PCA dim=50, t-SNE dim=3, perplexity=30) and K-means
clustering with 25 random starts
34, 41, 44
SAFE (v2.1.0) Ensemble clustering using SC3, CIDR, Seurat and t-SNE + Kmeans 45
SC3 (v1.8.0) PCA dimension reduction or Laplacian graph. K-means clustering on different dimensions.
Hierarchical clustering on consensus matrix obtained by K-means
SC3svm (v1.8.0) Using SC3 to derive the clusters for half of the cells, then using a support vector machine (SVM)
to classify the rest
46, 47
Seurat (v2.3.1) Dimension reduction by PCA (dim=30) followed by nearest neighbor graph clustering 17
TSCAN (v1.18.0) PCA dimension reduction followed by model-based clustering 48