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. 2018 Nov 14;3:27. Originally published 2018 Mar 12. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14073.3

Table 3. Bipartite graphs.

Data types 1 and 2 (nodes in Neo4j) are defined in Supplementary Table S5, and indices refer to numbered bipartite graphs in Supplemental Figure S7 as well as their narrative description in Supplementary Data p.11–14. Data type names are given as implemented in the Neo4j database.

Index Data type 1 Data type 2 Statistical method/
association type
Implementation Description and Biological implication Reference(s)
1 PROBETYPE SYMBOL mapping N/A N/A getSYMBOL function in lumi package Reference mapping of all probes on the
chip to genes (platform-specific)
2 PROBE SYMBOL mapping N/A N/A topTable function in limma Mapping of experiment-specific probes to
3 PROBE wgcna mapping N/A N/A WGCNA Indicates membership of specific probes
in enumerated WGCNA modules
4 X PROBE PROBE Connectivity (weight
in topological
overlap matrix)
N/A Maximum
of 2000 per
Custom function: at least the top 10 % of
edges in the module network, capped
at 2000
Subset of probes in WGCNA modules with
high connectivity
5 SYMBOL reactomePW mapping N/A N/A lumi, ReactomePA (uses reactome.
Mapping of gene symbols to reactome
pathways in the current dataset
14, 22
6 SYMBOL PalWangPW mapping N/A N/A WGCNA (uses PWLists included with
Mapping of gene symbols to a manually
curated list of pathways in the current
7 SYMBOL ImmunePW mapping N/A N/A WGCNA (uses ImmunePathwayLists
included with WGCNA)
Mapping of gene symbols to a manually
curated list of immune pathways in the
current dataset
8 SYMBOL cellEx mapping N/A N/A WGCNA (uses BloodLists included
with WGCNA)
Mapping of gene symbols to a manually
curated list of cell-type specific genes in
the current dataset
9 SYMBOL cellEx mapping N/A N/A CellMix (HaemAtlas dataset) Mapping of gene symbols to the Watkins,
et al. list of cell-type specific genes in the
current dataset
19, Supp.
Ref 30
10 SYMBOL cellEx mapping N/A N/A CellMix (Abbas dataset) Mapping of gene symbols to the Abbas,
et al. list of cell-type specific genes in the
current dataset
19, Supp.
Ref 11
11 wgcna baylor
Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with Chaussabel module
genes as input)
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for
Chaussabel modules, allowing functional
comparison of the two approaches
12 baylor
reactomePW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 * WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with Reactome genes as
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for
Reactome pathways, allowing functional
annotation of the module
14, 22
13 baylor
PalWangPW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 ** WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with a custom list of pathway
genes as input)
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for a
manually curated list of pathways, allowing
functional annotation of the module
14 baylor
ImmunePW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 *** WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with a custom list of immune
pathway genes as input)
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for a
manually curated list of immune pathways,
allowing functional annotation of the
15 wgcna reactomePW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 * WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with Reactome genes as
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for
Reactome pathways, allowing functional
annotation of the module
14, 22
16 wgcna PalWangPW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 ** WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with a custom list of pathway
genes as input)
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for a
manually curated list of pathways, allowing
functional annotation of the module
17 wgcna ImmunePW Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 *** WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function with a custom list of immune
pathway genes as input)
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for a
manually curated list of immune pathways,
allowing functional annotation of the
18 baylor
cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses BloodLists included
with WGCNA)
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
19 baylor
cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses HaemAtlas list
included with Cellmix)
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
14, 19, Supp.
Ref 30
20 baylor
cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses Abbas list included
with Cellmix)
Enrichment of Chaussabel modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
14, 19, Supp.
Ref 11
21 wgcna cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses BloodLists included
with WGCNA)
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
22 wgcna cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses HaemAtlas list
included with Cellmix)
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
14, 19, Supp.
Ref 30
23 wgcna cellEx Hypergeometric test BH <0.05 WGCNA (UserListEnrichment
function, uses Abbas list included
with Cellmix
Enrichment of WGCNA modules for a
manually curated list of cell-type specific
genes, allowing interpretation of cellular
context of the module
14, 19, Supp.
Ref 11
24 wgcna cellprop Pearson correlation BH <0.05 *** WGCNA (WGCNA::cor function) Correlation of WGCNA module
eigengenes with estimated cell-type
proportions (as output using functions in
the CellMix package)
25 CELL cellEx mapping N/A N/A Mapping of consensus cell type
names to cell type names used in
the BloodLists dataset included with
Convenience mapping that facilitates
searching for cell types in the ANIMA
database regardless of the name of the
cell type in the original gene marker list
26 CELL cellEx mapping N/A N/A Mapping of consensus cell type
names to cell type names used in
the HaemAtlas dataset included with
Convenience mapping that facilitates
searching for cell types in the ANIMA
database regardless of the name of the
cell type in the original gene marker list
19, Supp.
Ref 30
27 CELL cellEx mapping N/A N/A Mapping of consensus cell type
names to cell type names used in the
Abbas dataset included with CellMix)
Convenience mapping that facilitates
searching for cell types in the ANIMA
database regardless of the name of the
cell type in the original gene marker list
19, Supp.
Ref 11
28 CELL cellprop mapping N/A N/A Mapping of consensus cell type
names to cell type names used in the
Abbas dataset included with CellMix)
Convenience mapping that facilitates
searching for cell types in the ANIMA
database regardless of the name of the
cell type in the original gene marker list
19, Supp.
Ref 11
29 wgcna pheno Pearson correlation BH <0.05 *** WGCNA (WGCNA::cor function) Correlation of WGCNA module
eigengenes with a numeric matrix of
clinical and other phenotype data

*a minimum of three and a maximum of ten results were included in the ANIMA database

** a minimum of four and a maximum of ten results were included in the ANIMA database

*** results were reviewed algorithmically; in the case of no hits for enrichment at the specified cutoff, less stringent criteria were applied (See Supplementary information). In all cases, the corrected P-value was included as a property of the relationship, allowing filtering of the database entries.

X the PROBE-PROBE network is a monopartite correlation network and not a bipartite graph

Abbreviations: BH, Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction