Affect |
Rate your current mood: |
0 = much better than my usual self, 4 = much worse than my usual self |
Boredom |
How bored do you feel right now? |
0 = not at all, 4 = extremely |
Hunger |
How hungry are you right now? |
0 = not at all, 4 = extremely |
Fatigue |
How tired are you right now? |
0 = not at all, 4 = extremely |
Hours of sleep |
How many hours of sleep did you have last night? |
0 = <4 hours, 7 = >8 hours |
Cravings |
If you have experienced a craving for a specific food, how strong was the craving? |
0 = not strong at all, 4 = extremely strong |
Urges |
Since the last prompt, have you had a sudden urge to go off your eating plan for the day (regardless of whether you acted on this or not)? |
Yes/no |
Cognitive load |
In the last hour, think of the most difficult task you were working on. How difficult was this task in terms of the mental effort required (eg, figuring, planning, decision-making)? |
0 = requiring almost no mental effort, 4 = requiring almost all of my mental effort |
Confidence |
How confident are you that you can meet your dietary goals for the rest of the day? |
0 = not at all, 6 = extremely |
Motivation |
How motivated are you to follow your dietary plan right now? |
0 = not at all, 1 = somewhat, 2 = very |
Socializing |
In the past hour, have you engaged in socializing with coworkers, family, or friends? |
0 = no, 1 = yes, without food, 2 = yes, with food |
TV |
Are you watching TV right now? |
Yes/no |
Exercise |
Have you engaged in structured exercise (eg, setting aside time specifically devoted to exercising) today? |
Yes/no |
Neg interpersonal interactions |
In the past hour, have you had an unpleasant encounter with another person? |
Yes/no |
Tempting food availability |
Over the past hour, has there been tempting food/drink within close reach? |
Yes/no |
Alcohol |
Have you consumed any alcohol today? |
Yes/no |
Food ads |
In the past hour, have you seen an advertisement for food? |
Yes/no |
Planning |
To what extent have you planned exactly what you will eat for rest of the day? |
0 = not at all, 1 = somewhat, 2 = very |
Missed meal/snack |
Since the last survey, have you eaten a meal/snack? |
0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = unsure |