Table 1:
List of abbreviations.
Variable | Name |
1compartment | One compartment model (O’Flaherty 1981), shown in Figure 1. |
3compartment | Three compartment model (Jamei et al. 2009), shown in Figure 1. |
3compartmentss | Three compartment steady state model (Wetmore et al. 2012; Wetmore 2015). |
BW | Body weight. |
Css | Average plasma concentration of a chemical at steady state. |
Clint | In vitro intrinsic hepatic clearance. |
Clmetabolism | Whole liver hepatic clearance, scaled from Clint. |
Clwell–stirred | Hepatic clearance modeled with well-stirred approximation using Clmetabolism. |
fub | Fraction unbound, in vitro ratio of unbound to total concentration in plasma. |
httk | High-throughput toxicokinetics. |
kelim | Elimination rate. |
kgutabs | Gut absorption rate, default of 1 h−1. |
logP | Logarithm (base 10) of octanol to water partition coefficient. |
pbtk | Physiologically based toxicokinetic model, shown in Figure 1. |
Qcardiac | Cardiac output, blood flow through the heart and lungs. |
Qgfr | Glomerular filtration rate. |
Qrest | The difference between Qcardiac and the flow to the liver, kidney, and gut. |
Qtissue | Blood flow to a tissue. |
QSAR | Quantitative structure-activity relationship. |
Rblood2plasma | Ratio of the blood concentration of a chemical to the plasma concentration. |
SBML | Systems biology markup language. |
SMILES | Simplified molecular-input line-entry system. |
Vdist | Volume of distribution, the weighted sum of all partition coefficients. |