Table 4:
List of functions in the package – Part I. Models are described in Table 2. Parameters are defined in Table 1. Jarnac and SBML are external languages for systems biology models.
Function | Description |
add_chemtable | Adds a table of chemical data to the data tables contained in the package. |
available_rblood2plasma | .Retrieves best available Rbiood2piasma, using get_rblood2plasma and calc_rblood2plasma. |
calc_analytic_css | Calculates Css and blood concentrations for the four models used in the package from infusion dosing at a constant rate. |
calc_css | Calculates the maximum and average steady state concentrations along with the day steady state is reached from the numerical solution. |
calc_elimination_rate | Calculates kelim for a one compartment model due to the liver and kidneys, dividing the total clearance by Vdist. |
calc_hepatic_clearance | Calculates the hepatic clearance for a well-stirred model or other type if specified (Ito and Houston 2004). |
calc_mc_css | Calculates Css using Monte Carlo simulation, defaulting to HTTK-Pop simulator (Ring et al. 2017). |
calc_mc_oral_equiv | Converts Css to an oral equivalent dose using a concentration obtained from calc_mc_css. |
calc_rblood2plasma | Calculates the ratio of chemical concentration in blood to plasma. |
calc_stats | Calculates the area under the curve, mean, and peak values for the blood or plasma concentration of either a specified chemical or all chemicals for a given simulation. |
calc_total_clearance | Calculates the total clearance rate for a one compartment model where clearance is equal to the sum of the well-stirred metabolism by the liver and glomerular filtration in the kidneys. |
calc_vdist | Calculates the volume of distribution for a one compartment model (Schmitt 2008b). |
export_pbtk_jarnac | Exports the model pbtk to Jarnac (Sauro and Fell 2000). |
export_pbtk_sbml | Exports the model pbtk to SBML (Hucka et al. 2003). |
get_cheminfo | Provides a list of CAS numbers along with compound names, logP, pKa, molecular weight, Clint and its p value, and fub if specified for chemicals with sufficient data for a given model. |
get_httk_params | Converts table generated by httkpop_generate to the corresponding table of httk model parameters. |
get_rblood2plasma | Retrieves in vivo Rblood2plasma. |
get_wetmore_cheminfo | Provides the names and CAS numbers of chemicals with information from Wetmore et al. (2012), Wetmore et al. (2013), and Wetmore (2015). |
get_wetmore_css | Retrieves Css as a result of oral infusion dosing from Wetmore et al. (2012), Wetmore et al. (2013), and Wetmore (2015). |
get_wetmore_oral_equiv | Converts Css to an oral equivalent dose using the values from Wetmore et al. (2012), Wetmore et al. (2013), and Wetmore (2015). |
httkpop_generate lump_tissues | Generates a virtual population. Lumps tissue flows, volumes, and input partition coefficients based on specified grouping. |