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. 1999 Mar-Apr;6(2):104–114. doi: 10.1136/jamia.1999.0060104

Table 1.

Computer-based Guideline Implementation Systems

Study (year) Domain; System; Site Source of Guideline Recommendation Explanation Documentation Registration Communication Calculation Presentation Aggregation
Bouhaddou et al.12 (1994) Three procedure preauthorizations (cholecystectomy, cataract extraction, knee arthroscopy); ILIAD; IHC Health Plan and University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah Locally developed Surgical preauthorization; delayed Logic and deviations from preauthorization criteria Surgical indications documented on paper and phoned or faxed to central office; prompted, noninteractive Nd None Nd Paper: status of preauthorization; full report of guideline compliance/deviations Nd
Burack et al.13 (1994) Mammography screening; multiple practice sites in Detroit, Mich. USPSTF and other authorities Mammography reminder; concurrent Breast cancer risk factors Procedure indication (screening or diagnostic) initiator, patient response to referral; prompted, noninteractive Yes Nd Age Paper: reminder form, previous mammography results, appointment postcard Nd
Burack and Gimotty14 (1997)
Day et al.15 (1995) Low back pain; Emergency Department Expert Charting System; UCLA Emergency Medicine Center, Los Angeles, Calif. AHCPR with local adaptation Advice about appropriate tests, treatment, and disposition; prompts for missing history or physical exam items; concurrent Nd Core history and physical examination items; clinician's rationale for deviation from recommendations; prompted, interactive Nd None Nd Paper: after-care instructions for patients, laboratory and treatment orders, prescriptions Nd
On-screen: color-coded suggestion prompts and order screens
Dexter et al.16 (1998) Advanced directives; Regenstrief Medical Records System; General Medicine Practice, Indianapolis, Ind. Nd Reminders to discuss advanced directives; concurrent Nd Paper-based encounter sheet allows choice of discussed, deferred, or rationale for deviation; prompted, noninteractive EMR EMR (Regenstrief system) Age Paper: reminders on encounter forms Nd
Goethe and Bronzino17 (1995) Pharmacotherapy in psychiatry; Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring System; Institute of Living, Hartford, Conn. Locally developed Alerts for appropriate psychotropic medications based on diagnosis, appropriate baseline and followup laboratory testing and drug monitoring, potential for drug-drug interactions; concurrent Summary information about medications, potential for drug-drug interactions Documentation checklists for key symptoms and behavioral issues; rationale for deviation; prompted, interactive Nd Laboratory, pharmacy, and diagnostic data Nd On-screen: alerts, historical laboratory values, medications, medical problems Nd
Goethe et al.18 (1997)
Litzelman et al.19 (1993) Preventive care (fecal occult blood, mammography, Pap smear); Regenstrief Medical Records System; Indianapolis, Ind. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Exam, Lifetime Health Monitoring, American Cancer Society Reminders about fecal occult blood testing annually if age >50, mammography for women over age 50, Pap testing based on age and previous test results; concurrent Explanation of rule that generated reminder Clinic visit notes handwritten on encounter forms; rationale for deviation; prompted, noninteractive EMR EMR (Regenstrief system) Age Paper: indicated tests on the encounter form, reminder report Nd
Lobach and Hammond20 (1997) Diabetes; CAMP; Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. American Diabetes Association with local adaptation Care recommendations regarding which studies or procedures are currently due and due at next visit; concurrent Nd Handwritten documentation that a recommended action was performed, declined, or never to be done; data entry by clinic personnel; prompted, noninteractive EMR EMR, scheduling, accounting, laboratory orders, results (TMR system) Age, intervals Paper: recommendations on encounter form, prescriptions, orders Nd
Margolis et al.21 (1992) Six common pediatric problems; CHARTS; Community Pediatrics Clinic, Olfaqqueem, Israel Nd Advice from clinical management algorithms; concurrent Nd Clinical observations recorded on clinical algorithm serve as visit form; prompted, interactive Nd Nd Nd On-screen: clinical algorithm Paper: record of the visit Nd
Nilasena et al.22 (1994) Diabetes; University of Utah Medical Center and the VA Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah American Diabetes Association with local adaptation Alerts about high-risk aspects of clinical profile; concurrent Nd Seven data entry forms, self-contained database; data entry by clerical personnel from paper forms; prompted, noninteractive Demographics None Nd Paper: health maintenance report with demographics, preventive health status, schedule of upcoming and past-due preventive activities Nd
Nilasena and Lincoln23 (1995)
Ornstein et al.24 (1993) 13 preventive services; Division of Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C. USPSTF Reminders of deficient preventive services, e.g., dental, diet, injury prevention counseling, immunizations, screening of blood pressure, fecal occult blood, Pap smears, mammograms; concurrent Explanation and citations for each preventive service tracked Integrated with EMR (problem lists, progress notes, social history); tracks preventive services; some notes dictated and transcribed; prompted, interactive EMR EMR system, laboratory results Age, intervals Paper: reminders to physicians, annual letters to patients to alert them about preventive services Nd
On-screen: reminders to physicians
Ornstein et al.25 (1995)
Overhage et al.26 (1996) 22 adult preventive care in hospitalized patients; Regenstrief Medical Record System; Wishard Memorial Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. USPSTF Preventive care reminders, suggested orders; concurrent Citations of literature to support recommendations Integrated with Regenstrief inpatient and outpatient EMR; prompted, interactive EMR Order entry for laboratory and pharmacy; EMR (Regenstrief system) Age, creatinine clearance Paper: reminder on daily rounds reports Nd
On-screen: reminders displayed during order entry
Robbins et al.27 (1993) Lipid Management Program; private practice, Norfolk, Va. National Cholesterol Education guidelines with local adaptation Reminders about patients for whom laboratory data are due; concurrent Nd Lipid results and current therapy; prompted, noninteractive Nd Nd Nd Paper: reminders of laboratory tests due; results sent to patients and referring physicians Nd
Rossi and Every28 (1997) Pharmacotherapy with calcium channel blockers in hypertension; DHCP and ACQUIP; Seattle VA Medical Center, Seattle, Wash. JNC V Advice regarding use of diuretic and beta blocker for at-risk patients; concurrent Cardiovascular risk associated with calcium channel blockers Paper-based form documents appropriate indications for calcium channel blocker therapy; data entry by clerical personnel; prompted, noninteractive EMR EMR (DHCP, ACQUIP systems) None Paper: reminder attached to prescription refill form Nd
Safran et al.29 (1995) HIV management; Center for Clinical Computing, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Mass. Locally developed Alerts and reminders regarding HIV patients, including laboratory results, recommended medications and dosages, referrals, immunizations; concurrent Nd Integrated with EMR that includes problems, medications, preventive screenings, progress notes; prompted, interactive EMR EMR, scheduling, test ordering (Clinical Computing System) Nd On-screen: alerts, reminders (appear only when patient record is accessed) Laboratory, scheduling, demographics, dates of admission and discharge and alerts triggered
Schriger et al.30 (1997) Occupational exposure; Emergency Department Expert Charting System; UCLA Emergency Medicine Center, Los Angeles, Calif. Locally developed Tests and treatments recommended, optional, not recommended; concurrent Computer's reasoning for each recommendation History of exposure event, exposed worker, and source; rationale for deviation; prompted, interactive Nd Nd Nd Paper: after-care instructions for patients (modifiable by clinician), prescriptions Deviation rates by decision
Tape and Campbell31 (1993) Health maintenance; COSTAR medical record system; University of Nebraska Internal Medicine Clinic, Omaha, Neb. Nd Reminders about health maintenance deficiencies based on age, sex, chronic disease, and past health maintenance records; concurrent Nd Paper-based document; prompted, noninteractive EMR EMR (COSTAR system) Age, intervals Paper: problem list, medication list, and most recent progress note Nd
Turner et al.32 (1994) Preventive care; private practices in eastern North Carolina Nd Reminders about influenza vaccine, Pap smears, breast exams, and mammography; concurrent Nd Nd Nd Nd Age Paper: reminder Nd
Vincent et al.33 (1995) Disease prevention, cancer detection, immunization; Quality Care Program; Swedish Hospital, Seattle, Wash. Nd Recommended health maintenance procedures based on individual risk factors; concurrent Nd Paper-based worksheet completed at encounter and entered into system by clerical staff; prompted, noninteractive Yes Nd Age, intervals Paper: worksheet attached to medical record; health maintenance reminder letters for patients Nd
Willson et al.34 (1995) Pressure ulcer prevention and treatment; LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah AHCPR Reminders to nurses to perform Braden assessments; stage appropriate treatment recommendations; concurrent Nd General screening and Braden scale; prompted, interactive EMR EMR (HELP system) Nd On-screen: alerts Nd
Zielstorff et al.35 (1996) Pressure Ulcers; Pressure Ulcer Prevention & Management System; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. AHCPR Treatment plan, risk status; concurrent Definitions of individual data items Data entry screens provide explicit cues for assessment data; prompted, interactive Nd Nd Nd Paper: patient-specific treatment plan Nd
Zielstorff et al.36 (1997)

Note: ACQUIP indicates Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Program; AHCPR, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; CAMP, computer-assisted management protocol; COSTAR, Computer-stored Ambulatory Record; DHCP, decentralized hospital computer system; EMR, electronic medical record; JNC V, Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; Nd, not discussed; USPSTF, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; VA, Veterans Administration.