Figure 5.
β1L regulates a subset of GABP transcription factor targets in GBM cells. (A) Expression of one GABP dimer target and four GABP tetramer targets relative to CTRL for β1L-reduced clones derived from TERT promoter mutant and wild-type lines at day 45 post-editing. *p value<0.05, **p value<0.01, two-sided Student’s t-test compared to CTRL. Values are mean ± S.D of at least three independent assays. (B) Volcano plot of expression differences between CTRL and β1L-reduced TERT promoter mutant lines (GBM1, T98G, and LN229) as determined via RNA-seq at day 45 post-editing. Maroon-colored points represent putative GABP-regulated genes that are differentially expressed (log2 Fold Change>1 & FDR<0.05). (C) GO-terms analysis of 161 genes that are commonly differentially expressed genes between CTRL and multiple β1L-reduced TERT promoter mutant lines. See also Tables S4 and S5.