Table 1. Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle I—Didactic Session Topics, Goals, and Expected Outcomes.
Session Number | Topic | Goals | Expected Outcomes |
1 | Social determinants of health and health disparities | Define healthcare disparities. Discuss social determinants of health, including socioeconomic status, education, and environmental factors. Identify diabetes healthcare disparities in hospital, outpatient, and community settings and in patient compliance with provider recommendations. |
An increase in residents who can define health disparities and less variation in resident definitions of health disparities. Residents demonstrate increased knowledge of social determinants of health. Residents accurately identify specific diabetic healthcare disparities. |
2 | Diabetes Center services and diabetes self-management and education (DSME) | Review the DSME algorithm of care and discuss its role in mitigating healthcare disparities. Differentiate the provider action steps at diagnosis, during an annual checkup, when reviewing complicating factors, and during transitions of care. Brainstorm ideas for a memory aid for the algorithm and action steps. |
Residents are able to summarize in writing what the DSME algorithm of care is and how it can reduce healthcare disparities. Residents demonstrate increased accuracy in identifying the action steps for providers and when the steps should be carried out. Develop a tool to help residents remember the algorithm. |
3 | Community health needs assessment (CHNA) | Learn about various aspects of the CHNA including its construction and components, involvement of community stakeholders, sampling methods, community participation, results and trends, and its impact on population management. Access and review the CHNA. |
An increase in residents who can accurately identify the purpose of the CHNA and the hospital’s priority areas. |
4 | Local healthcare disparities associated with diabetes | Review local disparities in access to care, awareness, compliance with provider recommendations, education level, ethnicity and health literacy, and insurance status. | Residents demonstrate an increased understanding of the impact of existing local healthcare disparities and the effect on diabetes care. |
5 | Resources for diabetes education available through local organizations | Identify community-based, faith-based, subpopulation-based, cost-conscious, and technologic resources that could be used to reduce disparities. | Residents demonstrate increased awareness of available resources and incorporate resources into an easily accessible and distributable format. |