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. 2018 Sep 12;13(9):e0199648. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199648

Table 1. PI SCORECARD: Grant submission behaviors and grant quality indices.

PI Factor Definition Meaning of Factor Value
SCORE PI average application score (percentile) Lower = stronger
QUALITY % of PI’s applications triaged Lower = stronger
INDEX Index award score (percentile) Lower = stronger
FREQUENCY PI’s average number of applications per year Higher = more
SPEED Time (y) between index award and first subsequent R01-e application Lower = faster
REACH % of PI’s applications sent to single NIH IC Lower = more sent to other ICs
RENEW % of PI’s applications as renewals Higher = more
RESUB % of PI’s applications as resubmissions Higher = more
ACTIVE Number of years PI remained in R01-e NIH applicant pool Higher = longer