Fig 8. Malaria by parasite species, age, sex, ethnicity and cluster groups of human cases in Colombia.
For all parasites, the indigenous ethnic group shows a pattern of endemicity, with most cases being reported for the youngest ages, while people with no ethnic denomination and the Afrocolombian population show a pattern consistent with occupational hazard risk. For Plasmodium falciparum, the indigenous and Afrocolombian populations in clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 suggest that these populations experience intense exposure to malarial infection, with the Afrocolombian population showing occupational hazard transmission. Histograms for the population with no ethnic denomination in all clusters except 4 suggest malarial infection is associated with occupational hazard. And for Plasmodium vivax, the indigenous population in clusters 3, 4, and 5 suggest intense exposure to malarial infection among these populations. The population with no ethnic denomination experiences malarial infection as an occupational hazard in all clusters, except 4.