Readability |
Color and Contrast |
Does the text have sufficient contrast? |
Layout and Position |
Is the layout appealing, clear, and consistent across the document? |
Font and Capitalization |
Are the font and its size consistent and readable? |
Structure and Format |
Are the structure and format of each section effective and uniform? |
Minimalism |
Simple and Direct |
Are the language and sentence structure simple, direct, specific, concrete, and concise? |
Progressive Level of Detail |
Does the document present the most important information first, following with increasing levels of detail? |
Comprehensibility |
Terminology |
Are complex and technical terms used correctly and consistently? |
Clarity of Headings |
Are the headings clear and understandable? |
Content |
Clarity of Content |
Is the purpose of the material obvious? |
Emphasis |
Are important points emphasized appropriately? Is it clear why certain text is emphasized? |
Context |
Does the document include creation or printing date and contact information? |
Relevance |
Is the content relevant to the patient's condition and context? Is there extraneous information? |
Absence/Lack of Information |
Is any important content missing? |
Organization |
Grouping |
Is the information grouped in a meaningful format? Are the groups reasonably sized? |
Order |
Is the information ordered logically? |
Use of Subheadings |
Does the document use prominent and meaningful headings and subheadings? |
Navigational Tools |
Does the material have navigational tools to help orient the reader? |