Figure 1.
Temporal Dissection of Cellular Phenotypes Reveals Cell Death Just as Jimpy OPCs Commit to an Oligodendrocyte Fate
(A) Schematic summary of the experimental assay.
(B) Quantification of wild-type and jimpy MBP+ oligodendrocytes after oligodendrocyte differentiation. n = 3 distinct cell lines per genotype, with each replicate value (comprising a mean of n = 4 replicate wells per cell line) represented by a white circle. p values calculated using a two-way, unpaired t test between genotypes.
(C–E) Wild-type and jimpy oligodendrocyte differentiation time-course data showing quantification of total (C) DAPI+ cells, (D) O4+ cells, and (E) MBP+ oligodendrocytes. n = 6 replicate wells per genotype, with each replicate value represented by a white circle. (F) Representative immunocytochemistry images from time course showing MBP+ oligodendrocytes (green), O4+ cells (red), and total cells (DAPI, blue).
Scale bars, 50 μm. Error bars represent mean ± SD. See also Figures S1 and S2, and Video S1.