Table 1.
Previously reported indigenous human and animal melioidosis cases in Indonesia (n = 101 cases).
Year Presented (References) | Locations | Age(Years)/Gender, Nationality | Clinical Characteristics | Diagnostic Method | Outcome |
1929 [1] | Cikande, Java | 50/M, Indonesian | Chronic painless nodules in the left thigh | Culture of pus (biochemistry, phenotypic tests and virulence in animal model) | Died |
1934 [2] | Jakarta, Java | 38/M, Indonesian | Severe sepsis with pulmonary, splenic and prostatic abscesses | Culture of pus (biochemistry, phenotypic tests and virulence in animal model) | Died |
1935 [3] | Surabaya, Java | 25/F, Indonesian | Abscess in the right gluteal region | Culture of pus (biochemistry, phenotypic tests and virulence in animal model) | Fully recovered |
1936 [4,16] | Bogor, Java | 60/M, Indonesian | Skin lesion with ulcers on right lower leg after trauma | Culture of pus (biochemistry and phenotypic tests) | Fully recovered |
1937 [4] | Jakarta, Java | 55/M, Indonesian | Abscess left foot, originated from minor trauma while farming | Culture of pus (biochemistry and phenotypic tests) | Fully recovered |
1938 [14] * | Cimahi, Java | 48/Unknown, European | Pneumonia and splenic abscess | Culture of pus (biochemistry, phenotypic tests and virulence in animal model) | Died |
1950 [5] | Surabaya, Java | 28/F, European | Pain in the lower abdomen and high fever | Culture of abscess from the right ovary (biochemistry and phenotypic tests) | Fully recovered |
1958 [15] * | Salatiga, Java | Unknown | Diarrhoea | Culture of stool (biochemistry and phenotypic tests) | Died |
2005 [6] | Banda Aceh, Sumatra | 4 patients; 15/F, 18 mo/M, 10/F and 13/F | Pneumonia | Culture of sputum (API20NE) | Fully recovered (n = 1) or reported as improving (n = 3) |
2011–2013 [7] | Malang, Java | 51 patients (unknown age and sex) | Unknown | Culture of sputum, blood, pus and urine (VITEK2) | Unknown |
2012 [17] * | Bogor, Java | 3/Unknown, cynomolgus monkey | General weakness, decreased appetite, dehydration and cough | Culture of pus (VITEK2) | Died |
2013–2014 [8] | Luwu Timur (n = 1) and Makassar (n = 2), Sulawesi | 3 patients; 41/M, 45/F and 26/M, Indonesian | Sepsis (n = 1), neck abscess, sepsis and pneumonia (n = 1), and abscess behind the left ear lobe (n = 1) | Culture of blood (n = 1) and pus (n = 2) (VITEK2) | Died (n = 2) or lost to follow-up (n = 1) |
2013 [19] * | Yogyakarta, Java | 53/F, Indonesian | Neck abscess, pain and dyspnoea. | Culture of pus (Microbact) | Fully recovered |
2014 [18] * | Medan, Sumatra | 13/M, Indonesian | Fever, dry cough, weight loss and abdominal abscesses | Culture of pus (VITEK2) | Fully recovered |
2017 [22] * | Samboja, Kalimantan | Unknown age and sex, Borneo orangutan | Loss of appetite, malaise, less active and apparent fever. | Culture of lung, spleen, and livertissue (VITEK2) | Died |
2010–2017 [21] * | Pekanbaru, Sumatra | 9 patients (mean age 52 years; range 34–67 years), all males and all Indonesian | Pneumonia, sepsis, abscess, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, pericarditis, seizure and decreased consciousness, and chronic suppurative otitis media with intratemporal complication. | Culture of sputum (n = 4), blood (n = 3) and pus (n = 3) (VITEK2) | Unknown |
2014–2017 [20] * | Samarinda, Kalimantan (n = 13), Makassar, Sulawesi (n = 8) and Kupang, Nusa Tenggara (n = 1) | 22 patients (median age 53.5 years; range 4–69 years), 15 males and 7 females, and all Indonesian | Sepsis, pneumonia, alteration of consciousness, and localized abscesses | Culture of blood (n = 11), pus (n = 7), tissue (n = 2) and urine (n = 2) (VITEK2) (PCR assay targeting type III secretion system in 9 cases) | Died (n = 9), Fully recovered (n = 9), and Unknown (n = 4) |
* Not included in the recent review of melioidosis in Indonesia, published in 2015 [8].