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. 2018 Mar 13;3(1):32. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed3010032

Table 5.

Demographics of nine patients with B. pseudomallei confirmed with PCR assays *.

Bacterial Strain Year of Isolation/
Location of Isolation
Strain Source/Clinical Manifestations Outcome
HBPMS00001 2015/Konawe,
Southeast Sulawesi
Tibial tissue of 55-year old male patient presenting with open wounds with purulent discharge from legs, cough and fatigue Fully recovered
HBPSK00002 2016/Samarinda,
East Kalimantan
Pus of 55-year-old female patient with unknown clinical characteristics Unknown
HBPMS00003 2016/Kolaka,
Southeast Sulawesi
Blood of 56-year-old female patient presenting with decreased consciousness, generalized seizure, focal seizure of hand, headache, fever, swollen knee. Died
HBPMS00004 2016/Luwu Utara,
South Sulawesi
Pus of 39-year-old female patient presenting with lump on neck and weight loss. Fully recovered
HBPMS00005 2016/Pinrang,
South Sulawesi
Blood of 53-year-old male patient presenting with decreased consciuousness, fever, productive cough, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and bloating. Icteric sclera and skin. Left leg swollen, pain and tenderness. Died
HBPSK00001 2016/Kutai Timur,
East Kalimantan
Blood of 4-year-old female patient presenting with fever, petechiae, poor appetite, anaemia Died
HBPSK00003 2016/Kutai Timur,
East Kalimantan
Pus of 37-year-old female patient presenting with skin ulcer on neck, fever Fully recovered
HBPSK00004 2017/Kutai Kartanegara,
East Kalimantan
Blood of 61-year-old male patient presenting with right hemiplegia, fever, decreased consciousness. Died
HBPSK00005 2016/Samarinda,
East Kalimantan
Urine of 44-year-old male patient presenting with fever, abscess on knee Fully recovered

* 16S rRNA gene sequencing [23] and a PCR assay targeting the type III secretion system of B. pseudomallei [24].