Leftward Flow and GRP Morphogenesis Are Compromised in pkd2 Morphants
(A–D) Unilateral injection of Pkd2-MO (A) but not co-MO (B) caused disruption of leftward flow at targeted area (red fluorescence: lineage tracer), as revealed by gradient time trail (GTT); see Transparent Methods section and Schweickert et al., (2007) analysis. Quantification of directionality and velocity of bead transport on morphant (C) and control (D) sides of dorsal explants. Rho (r) represents a value for robustness of directionality of leftward flow. Scale bars represent 50 micrometers.
(E–G) Stage 17 GRP ciliation (E) was lost in pkd2 morphants (F) and regained in specimens co-injected with pkd2-MO and a full-length pkd2 mRNA. IF with acetylated α-tubulin antibodies (red) and Alexa 488-phalloidin (green) to highlight GRP cilia and cell borders.
(H–K) tekt2 expression at the GRP of stage 17 dorsal explants (H) was lost in pkd2 morphants (I) and rescued upon co-injection of a full-length pkd2 mRNA (J). (K) Quantification of results.
(L and M) nodal1 expression in lateral GRP cells (L) was lost in morphants (M).
See also Figure S3 and Video S1