Figure 2.
Effect of acetaminophen on creatinine stratified by intravascular hemolysis. Creatinine mean percent change from baseline at 12, 24, 36, 60, 48, and 72 hours of entire cohort (A) and patients stratified by level of intravascular hemolysis (B and C). Plasma cell-free hemoglobin (CFH) ≥45000 ng/mL (B); plasma CFH <45000 ng/mL (C); patients stratified by level of lipid peroxidation (D and E); plasma F2- isoprostanes (IsoPs) ≥22 pg/mL (D); plasma F2-IsoPs <22 pg/mL (E). A total of 35 of 434 (8%) creatinine sampling time points were missing and replaced by imputed values (for details see Supplementary Table 2). Frequencies in rows below figures represent number of patients (n) at each time point. P value represents overall treatment effect. Abbreviations: Cr, creatinine; CFH, cell-free hemoglobin; F2-IsoPs, F2-isoprostanes.