Circular map and genetic features of Salmonella Enteritidis strain SJTUF10978 relative to strain SJTUF10984. For the figure of the chromosome, light blue bars (first and second rings) indicate the coding sequences on the positive and negative strands, respectively. Orange, gray, green, and blue bars (fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh rings) denote the non-synonymous SNPs, synonymous SNPs, intergenic SNPs, and INDELs between SJTUF10978 and SJTUF10984, respectively. For the figure of the plasmid of SJTUF10978, arcs in the first and second rings represent coding sequences on the positive and negative strands, respectively, and blue and orange were used to distinguish neighboring genes. The orange and green bars in the fourth ring indicate a non-synonymous SNP and an INDEL between plasmids of SJTUF10978 and SJTUF10984. For both figures, black bars (third ring) indicate pseudogenes and the black/gray and dark purple/light purple plots display GC content and GC skew ([G+C]/[G–C]), respectively (window size 10,000 bp and step size 200 bp for the chromosome, window size 500 bp, and step size 20 bp for the plasmid). The atlas was created using the Plotrix package (version 3.6-6; Lemon, 2006) within R (version 3.2.5; R Development Core Team, 2015).