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. 2018 May 2;75(6):555–565. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.0623

Table 1. Study, Patient and Treatment Characteristics.

Characteristic Study Name
COAST34 JCEP23 LEO35 OPUS36 OTP37 PIANO18 RAISE-ETP9 STEP19 Valencia 12 Months20 Valencia 6 Months22
Study Characteristics
Duration, mo 9 24 18 24 24 9 24 12 12 6
No. of sites, location 1, South London/UK 1, Hong Kong 1, London/UK 5, Denmark 1, Norway 117, Italy 34, US 1, US 1, Mexico 1, Mexico
No. at baseline (EIS/TAU) 59
Inclusion criteria 1st Episode of any functional psychosis in past 5 y of contact FEP according to DSM IV ≤2 Episodes of nonaffective PSY; SCZ; SzT; DEL 1st Episode SCZ spectrum d/o including DEL and SzT; ≤12 wk AP medication Recent-onset SCZ (≤2 y since FEP), with more than 1 acute episode 1st Lifetime contact with the center for any functional PSY FEP (SCZ-spectrum disorder; psychosis NOS, brief psychosis), ≤6 mo AP medication FEP (nonaffective); ≤5 y ago; ≤12 wk AP medication FEP (SCZ); stable after first AP medication (≥15 d); no substance abuse FEP (SCZ); stable after first AP medication (≥15 d); no substance abuse
Early intervention services components Medication review; vocational/ educational counseling; CBT; family PE/counseling; family therapy; crisis response team/crisis management Medication review; vocational/ educational counseling; CBT; family PE/counseling; crisis response team/crisis management; SST Medication review; vocational/ educational counseling; CBT; family PE/counseling Medication review; family PE/counseling; family therapy; crisis response team/crisis management; SST Medication review; CBT; family PE/counseling; family therapy; crisis response team/crisis management; SST Medication review; CBT; family PE/counseling; family therapy Medication review; vocational/ educational counseling; CBT; family PE/counseling Medication review; vocational/ educational counseling; CBT; family PE/counseling; family therapy Medication review; family PE/counseling; family therapy; SST Medication review; family PE/counseling; family therapy; SST
Patient Characteristics
Age, mean (SD) [range] 28 (8)
36.6 (8.7)
26.3 (6.2)
26.6 (6.4)
25.4 (4.6)
30.2 (9.6)
23.1 (5.1)
22.5 (4.9)
24.3 (3.1)
26.8 (5.0)
Male, % 75 43 65 59 62 59 73 98 75 66
Illness Characteristics
Diagnosis, % SCZ/SzA: 83.1; BP: 12.5; substance-induced PSY: 1.0 SCZ: 44.0; SzF: 17.0; brief PSY: 12.0; PSY NOS: 6.0; SzA: 1.0 SCZ: 69.4 SCZ: 66.2; SzT: 14.4; brief PSY: 8.2; SzA: 4.6; DEL: 4.6; PSY NOS: 2.0 SCZ: 80; SzA: 12; SzF: 8 SCZ: 27; brief PSY: 18; DEL: 16; mania with PSY: 13; MDD with PSY: 9; SzA: 9; PSY NOS: 6; SzT: 2 SCZ: 52.9; SzF: 16.6; SzA DEP: 14.1; PSY NOS: 9.9; SzA BP: 5.9; brief PSY: 0.5 SCZ/SzA: 29.0 SCZ: 100.0 SCZ: 100.0
DUP, mean (median), wk NR 73.6 (13.3) 9.1 (16.0) NR NR 45.2 (8.0) 193.5 (74.0) 43.9 (12.0) NR NR

Abbreviations: AP, antipsychotic; BP, bipolar; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; COAST, Croydon Outreach and Assertive Support Team; DEL, delusional disorder; DUP, duration of untreated psychosis; EIS, early intervention services; FEP, first episode of psychosis; JCEP, Jockey Club Early Psychosis; LEO, Lambeth Early Onset; MDD, major depressive disorder; NOS, not otherwise specified; NR, not reported; OPUS, specialized assertive intervention; OTP, Optimal Treatment Project; PE, psychoeducation; PIANO, Psychosis: Early Intervention and Assessment of Needs and Outcome; PSY, psychosis; RAISE-ETP, Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode–Early Treatment Program; SCZ, schizophrenia; SST, social skills training; STEP, Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis; SzA, schizoaffective; SzA BP, schizoaffective bipolar; SzA DEP, SzA depressive; SzF, schizophreniform disorder; SzT, schizotypal disorder; TAU, treatment as usual.