In vivo OVA plus MPLA stimulation by minipump inhibited antigen-specific proliferation and IL-2 production. A) Splenocytes were labeled with CFSE and restimulated in vitro with medium alone, OVA peptide, OVA peptide plus IL-2, or ConA and anti-CD28. After 3 d, cultured cells were collected, stained with CD45.2, and analyzed by FACS for proliferation. *P < 0.05 by 2-way ANOVA. B) Antigen-specific IL-2 production was measured by restimulating splenocytes with OVA peptide for 3 d and subtracting IL-2 level from parallel cultures stimulated with medium alone. IL-2 production resulting from mitogen activation was measured from culture supernatants after 2 d of ConA and anti-CD28 stimulation. *P < 0.05 (2-tailed Student’s t test). G, ground; F, flight. All groups n = 4, except for flight control n = 3. Error bars represent se.