Figure 2.
Mif deficiency leads to increased tumor formation in chemical and HPV8-induced murine skin carcinogenesis. A) Chemical skin carcinogenesis with DMBA/TPA or B[α]P. Tumor incidence (left) and tumors per mouse (right) in Mif+/+ and Mif−/− mice (n = 10) topically treated with 25 µg DMBA on d 1 and with 50 µg TPA biweekly for 20 wk. Mif−/− mice developed skin tumors significantly earlier and in increased number (top). Tumor incidence (left) and tumors per mouse (right) in Mif+/+ and Mif−/− mice (n = 20) topically treated with 100 µg B[α]P twice per week. Mif−/− mice developed skin tumors significantly earlier and in increased number (bottom). B) HPV8-induced skin carcinogenesis. K14-HPV8-CER+/tg; Mif−/− mice developed tumors at a faster rate than did K14-HPV8-CER+/tg; Mif+/+ controls [hazard ratio (CI), 3.971 (0.868–18.168)]; however, this result was not yet statistically significant. P = 0.0543.