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. 2018 May 10;34(18):3094–3100. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty191

Table 1.

Evaluation of junction accuracy on 2D ONT reads

GMAP minimap2 SpAln STAR
Run time (CPU min) 631 15.9 2076 33.9
Peak RAM (GByte) 8.9 14.5 3.2 29.2
# aligned reads 103 669 104 199 103 711 26 479
# chimeric alignments 1904 1488 0 0
# non-spliced alignments 15 854 14 798 17 033 10 545
# aligned introns 692 275 693 553 692 945 78 603
# novel introns 11 239 3113 8550 1214
% exact introns 83.8 94.0 87.9 55.2
% approx. introns 91.8 96.9 92.5 82.4

Notes: Mouse cDNA reads (AC: SRR5286960; R9.4 chemistry) were mapped to the primary assembly of mouse genome GRCm38 with the following tools and command options: minimap2 (‘-ax splice’); GMAP (‘-n 0 –min-intronlength 30 –cross-species’); SpAln (‘-Q7 -LS -S3’); STARlong (according to The alignments were compared to the EnsEMBL gene annotation, release 89. A predicted intron is novel if it has no overlaps with any annotated introns. An intron is exact if it is identical to an annotated intron. An intron is approximate if both its 5′- and 3′-end are within 10 bp around the ends of an annotated intron. Chimeric alignments are defined in the SAM spec (Li et al., 2009).