(a, b) Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.
Note: (a) Mean and s.d. of the heart rate (beats/min) of field-immobilised rhinoceroses given intravenous butorphanol + oxygen insufflation (but + O2 field, n = 14), boma-immobilised rhinoceroses given intravenous butorphanol + oxygen insufflation (but + O2 boma, n = 8) and boma-immobilised rhinoceroses given intravenous sterile water (control, n = 8). The asterisk (*) indicates values in the field trial that differed from pre-intervention values (5 min), whilst # indicates values in the boma treatment trial that differed from pre-intervention values (5 min) and ϕ indicates values in the boma control trial that differed from values at 5 min. The brackets indicate the time points at which the butorphanol + oxygen field trial differed from the control (a) or the butorphanol + oxygen boma trial differed from the control (c); (b) mean and s.d. of arterial blood pressure (mmHg) in field-immobilised rhinoceroses. The black arrow indicates the time at which butorphanol was administered and oxygen insufflation initiated. The asterisk (*) indicates values that differed from pre-intervention values (5 min), whilst the shaded area represents the normal range of the indirect mean arterial pressure in standing, unrestrained white rhinoceroses (Citino & Bush 2007).