Many thanks for taking part in this questionnaire. If you are not clear about any of the questions, please feel free to ask the researcher. Please answer the questions in order by putting a tick in the box or writing an answer on the line. | |
Background information about you as a runner: | |
1) | Is this your first marathon? |
Yes _____ (and if Yes, please go to question 3) | |
No _____ | |
If this is not your first marathon, how many previous marathons have you run? (please tick) | |
1 _____ | |
2–4 _____ | |
5–9 _____ | |
10 or more marathons _____ | |
2) | What is your fastest time? _____h _____min |
3) | What is your estimated finishing time? _____h _____min |
4) | Are you running on behalf of a charity? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
If Yes, which charity? ___________________________________________ | |
5) | Are you a member of a Running club? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
6) | Gender: |
Male _____ | |
Female _____ | |
7) | Age: _____y |
8) | How tall are you? _____ |
9) | What is your weight? _____ |
Information on drinking on marathon day: | |
10) | Have you read about or been told about drinking fluids on marathon day? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 11) | |
If Yes, where have you received this information from? (please tick all that apply) | |
London Marathon magazine _____ | |
London Marathon Web site _____ | |
Running club _____ | |
Running coach _____ | |
Running friends _____ | |
Running magazine _____ (if so, which magazine?) ___________________ | |
Running book _____ (if so, which book?) _______________________ | |
From the charity for which you are running _____ | |
Other sources of information (please specify; eg, other online source, smartphone app, library book etc) __________________________________ | |
Before the marathon: | |
11) | Do you have any plans about drinking in the morning before the start of the marathon? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 15) | |
12) | If Yes, what are you planning to drink? _____________________________ |
13) | How much are you planning to drink? _______________________________ |
14) | When are you planning to drink this? _______________________________ |
During the marathon: | |
15) | Do you have any plans about drinking during the race? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 19) | |
16) | If Yes, what are you planning to drink? _____________________________ |
17) | How much are you planning to drink? ____________________________ |
18) | At what stages of the race are you planning to drink? |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
19) | Some people carry their own drinks from the start of the race – do you intend to do that? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 25) | |
20) | If Yes, what drink will you carry? _______________________________ |
21) | What volume will you carry? __________________________________ |
22) | Do you plan to drink water provided in bottles at water stations during the race? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 25) | |
23) | If yes, at how many water stations will you take bottles of water? _____ |
24) | How much of each bottle do you anticipate that you will drink? |
A few sips _____ | |
Several mouthfuls _____ | |
Half the bottle _____ | |
Most or all of the bottle _____ | |
25) | Do you plan to drink the sports drink (Lucozade) provided at the drink stations during the race? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 28) | |
26) | If Yes, at how many drink stations will you take a sports drink? _____ |
27) | How much of each pack do you anticipate that you will drink? |
A few sips _____ | |
Several mouthfuls _____ | |
Half the pack _____ | |
Most or all of the pack _____ | |
28) | What is the volume of each water bottle given out on the course? |
(please estimate if you don't know exactly) _____mls | |
29) | What is the volume of each pack of sports drinks given out on the course? |
(please estimate if you don't know exactly) _____mls | |
30) | What factors may affect how much you drink in order of importance? |
(please mark '1′ for the most important for you, '2′ for the second, '3′ for the third most important and '4′ for the least important) | |
My plan _____ | |
How thirsty I feel _____ | |
The temperature on race day _____ | |
Other (please specify) _____________________________ | |
31) | Have you practised drinking water during your training? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
32) | Have you practised drinking a sports drink during your training? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
After the marathon: | |
33) | Do you have any plans about drinking in the 6 hours after the marathon? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ (if No, please go to question 37) | |
34) | If Yes, what are you planning to drink? _____________________________ |
35) | How much are you planning to drink? _____________________________ |
36) | How often are you planning to drink? _____________________________ |
Information about fluids: | |
37) | Do you feel that you know enough about what and how much to drink on marathon day? |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
If No, what would help you to be better informed for future races? | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
38) | Have you heard of the term 'hyponatraemia' (low salt or sodium levels) |
Yes _____ | |
No _____ | |
If Yes, what is your understanding of its causes and effects? | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
39) | Do you have any other comments about drinking fluids on marathon day? |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
______________________________________________________________________ | |
Many thanks for completing this questionnaire. Please return it to the researcher. |
The questionnaire is reproduced in its original form except that underlined spaces replaced boxes for answers.