Figure 3.
Test-retest comparisons between spaces and denoising strategies. (a) Identification success rate, and other statistics related to connectome fingerprinting (Finn et al., 2015; Noble et al., 2017). All pipelines had a success rate superior to 87% for identifying the functional connectivity matrix of a subject in REST2 (out of N=884 choices) based on their functional connectivity matrix in REST1. Pipeline B slightly outperformed the others. (b) Test-retest of the pairwise similarities (based on Pearson correlation) between all subjects (Geerligs, Rubinov, et al., 2015). Overall, for the same session, the three pipelines gave similar pairwise similarities between subjects. About 25% of the variance in pairwise distances was reproduced in REST2, with pipeline B emerging as the winner (0.542=29%). (c) Test-retest reliability of behavioral utility, quantified as the pattern of correlations between each edge and a behavioral score of interest (Geerligs, Rubinov, et al., 2015). Shown are fluid intelligence, Openness to experience, and Neuroticism (all de-confounded, see main text). Pipeline A gave slightly better test-retest reliability for all behavioral scores. Multimodal surface matching (MSM)-All outperformed MNI alignment. Neuroticism showed lower test-retest reliability than fluid intelligence or Openness to experience.