Multivariate fMRI results. A) WM category classification in parahippocampal place area (PPA; independently and functionally defined), at 2 s time-points across the trial. WM decoding accuracy for easy (grey) visual searches was better than for hard (orange) visual searches (grey boxes indicate time-points where the conditions significantly differ). Ribbons represent ± 1 SEM. C = WM cue; D = delay; S = search; P = probe. b) Open circles display WM category classification accuracies for each individual participant, for low (grey) and high (orange) attentional load, at the second visual search trial in the series. Filled black circles mark the mean classifier accuracy for each condition. c) WM category classification in PPA—same as (a)—median split by behavioral WM probe accuracy performance. d) Clusters of searchlights across the ventral occipitotemporal cortex classified WM category significantly above chance, FDR-corrected, p < .05, during the 8 s visual search sequence.