Table 1.
Summary of sex-dependent outcomes in different rodent single TBI models
Endpoint | weight-drop | CHI | CCI | FPI | ACI | Species | ||||
Behavior | Locomotion deficits | 4 (7–13) | 28 (17–19) | mice | ||||||
6 (18) | 8 (10), 9 (12) | 5 (6) | 1 (16–17), 2 (17–18), 3 (12–17), 7 (12–15), 27 (5–13) | 10 (6) | rats | |||||
Cognitive deficits | 4 (7–13), 28 (17–19) | mice | ||||||||
6 (18) | 5 (6) | 11 (19–29) | 1 (16–17), 3 (12–17), 27 (5–13) | rats | ||||||
Anxiety | 29 (5–10) | mice | ||||||||
6 (18) | rats | |||||||||
Sociability | 29 (5–10) | mice | ||||||||
8 (10) | rats | |||||||||
Inhibitory control | mice | |||||||||
9 (12), 12 (6) | rats | |||||||||
Neurodegeneration | Lesion size | 16 (8) | 4 (7–13), 21 (6–8), 22 (5), 28 (17–19), 29 (5–10) | 15 (3–24) | mice | |||||
11 (19–29) | 27 (5–13) | 13 (2–19), 14 (8) | rats | |||||||
Neuronal count | 16 (8) | mice | ||||||||
14 (8) | rats | |||||||||
Edema | mice | |||||||||
23 (5) | 17 (4–6), 18 (5–12), 19 (4–10) | rats | ||||||||
Cell death | mice | |||||||||
20 (5) | rats | |||||||||
Necrotic neurons | 24 (3–16) | 22 (5) | mice | |||||||
13 (2–19) | rats | |||||||||
Dendritic complexity | 29 (5–10) | mice | ||||||||
12 (6) | rats | |||||||||
Vasculature | CBF | mice | ||||||||
25 (8–18) | rats | |||||||||
Evan's blue extravasation | mice | |||||||||
23 (5) | 19 (4–10) | rats | ||||||||
Inflammation | Microgliosis | 16 (8) | mice | |||||||
11 (19–29) | rats | |||||||||
Astrogliosis | mice | |||||||||
6 (18) | 20 (5) | rats | ||||||||
IL-6 | 26 (28–74) | 21 (6–8) | mice | |||||||
rats | ||||||||||
CCL2 | 26 (28–74) | 21 (6–8) | mice | |||||||
rats | ||||||||||
TNFalpha | 26 (28–74) | 21 (6–8) | mice | |||||||
rats | ||||||||||
IL-1beta | 26 (28–74) | mice | ||||||||
rats | ||||||||||
CXCL1 | 26 (28–74) | mice | ||||||||
rats | ||||||||||
IL-10 | 26 (28–74) | mice | ||||||||
rats | ||||||||||
COX-2 | mice | |||||||||
20 (5) | rats | |||||||||
iNOS | mice | |||||||||
20 (5) | rats | |||||||||
data not found | females better than males | males better than females | no sex difference | variable-dependent | no TBI effect |
The endpoint is presented on the left side and the species (mice or rats) is presented on the right side. The different columns represent different TBI models: CHI (closed head injury), CCI (controlled cortical impact), FPI (fluid percussion injury) and ACI (aseptic cryogenic injury).
Red cells represent a better outcome in females, blue a better outcome in males, yellow no sex difference after TBI, and black represents an outcome that was different in males and females depending on an additional variable such as time point or assay. Grey cells represent end points where no data was available.
The numbers within each cell represent the references below, and the number following in the brackets is the “n” number per group in the corresponding study: 1 Wagner et al. 2002, 2 Wagner et al. 2004, 3 Wagner et al. 2007, 4 Xiong et al. 2007, 5 O’Connor et al. 2003, 6 Mychasiuk et al. 2016, 7 Russell et al. 2011, 8 Mychasiuk et al. 2014, 9 Mychasiuk et al. 2015, 10 Grossman et al. 2000, 11 Hanlon et al. 2017, 12 Hehar et al. 2015, 13 Bramlett et al. 2001, 14 Suzuki et al. 2003, 15 Jones et al. 2005, 16 Igarashi et al. 2001, 17 Roof et al. 1993, 18 Roof et al. 1996, 19 Duvdevani et al. 1995, 20 Günther et al. 2015, 21 Bruce-Keller et al. 2007, 22 Hall et al. 2005, 23 O’Connor et al. 2006, 24 Kupina et al. 2003, 25 Roof et al. 2000, 26 Späni et al. 2018 (this review), 27 Free et al. 2017, 28 Tucker et al. 2016, 29 Semple et al. 2017