Figure 7.
O-GlcNAc cycling mutants exhibit transcriptional changes in response to nutritional status. (A) An area proportional Venn diagram showing the genes deregulated greater than 2.8-fold (log2 = 1.5) in starved L1 larvae in ogt-1 (ok430) and oga-1(1207) mutant strains compared to wild type (WT) animals. (B) An area proportional Venn diagram showing the genes deregulated 2.8-fold or greater in fed L1 larvae in ogt-1 (ok430) and oga-1(ok1207) mutant strains compared to wild type worms. (C) An area proportional Venn diagram showing the uniquely deregulated genes comparing starved and fed worms in wild type, ogt-1 (ok430) and oga-1(ok1207) mutant strains. Gene lists for each condition and genotype can be found in Supplemental Table 2. All transcriptional data are available in GEO accession number GSE18132.