Fig. 13.
Model-based deconstruction of subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS)-induced cortical evoked potential (cEP) by disconnecting individual synaptic connections in the layer 5 (L5)→L5→L6→thalamus (TH)→L4→L2/3 pathway. A–E: cEP responses (A1–E1) and poststimulus time histograms (A2–E2) to 4.5-Hz, 60% STN DBS following disconnection of L5→L5 recurrent excitatory connection (A), L5→L6 excitatory connection (B), L6→TH excitatory connection (C), TH→L4 excitatory connection (D), and L4→L2/3 excitatory connection (E). In A, note the suppression in activities of L5 and L2/3 pyramidal neurons and subsequent R2 and R3 responses (gray trace) compared with control (black trace). In B–E, note the suppression of L2/3 pyramidal neuron activity and subsequent R3 response (gray trace) following disruption of any synaptic connection in the L5→L6→TH→L4→L2/3 pathway compared with control condition (black trace). Gray traces show the cEP response following disconnection of a synaptic connection in the L5→L5→L6→TH→L4→L2/3 pathway, whereas black traces show the cEP response to 4.5-Hz, 60% STN DBS with all synaptic connections intact (control). ECoG, electrocorticographic recordings.