Table 4.
Minimum requirements checklist for reporting statistical analyses; we recommend that the details shown be provided in manuscripts to allow the data and the study’s reproducibility to be assessed
Guideline | |
Experimental design | Define: |
•Hypothesis tested and purpose of the statistical analysis | |
•Variables, groups, sample sizes (preferably determined by power analysis), sample randomization, and significance (α) level | |
methods | Provide details on: |
•Name and version of the statistical software used | |
•Any procedures taken to modify raw data before analysis (e.g., transformation, ratios, combining categories) | |
•Which tests were used for which comparisons, including post hoc tests for ANOVA and whether corrections were made for multiple comparisons | |
•Ancillary analyses (assumptions testing as well as identification and treatment of outliers and missing values) | |
•Data and details of statistical analysis should be available for requests to assess reproducibility on open repository sites (3) | |
results | Report: |
•Precise P values to two (for 1.0 to 0.01) or three (for 0.009 to 0.001) decimal places; precision below P < 0.001 not needed except for genetic associations | |
•Variability reported using standard deviation | |
•Confidence intervals | |
•Data with appropriate scientific precision (e.g., report body weight with no significant digits after the decimal point) | |
•Upload source data into a public repository (e.g., Figshare, at submission | |
Table and figure legends | •Name tests used and sample sizes for each group in figure legends and tables |
•Provide information on sex of animals used, unless only one sex is stated in the methods | |
•Data visualization: use box and whisker plots or similar instead of column graphs, to show individual responses; consider clarity of information presented |