Scatter-plot of female (Xist) vs. male (Eif2s3y) marker expression measured by RNA-Seq for wild-type (WT) (A) and Xist WT/knockout (KO) (B) mouse embryos in GSE80810. Sex of embryos was determined by measuring expression of same markers with PCR assay (o, female; x, male). Insets: areas close to the origin shown in more detail, where embryos with strong expression of Xist or Eif2s3y are marked as female (F) or male (M), for the remaining embryos the expression-based method is inconclusive. These embryos are listed in the table at the bottom of the figure, which shows expression of Xist and Eif2s3y, as well as the percentage of X-chromosome SNPs with observed biallelic expression, which is used to resolve ambiguity (>5% – female, <5% – male). Emb, embryo; RPRT, reads per retro-transcribed length per million mapped reads. The “?” entries denote embryos unresolved for sex by RNA-Seq due to a high percentage of SNPs with HetScore ≥ 0.75 plus high expression of Eif2s3y. Embryo types are two-cell (2C), eight-cell (8C), 16-cell (16C), 32-cell (32C), and blastocyst (BLA) stages.