Brachypodium Life Cycle and Propagation.
(A) Mature B. distachyon (Bd21-3) at ∼6 weeks old. Bar is an approximate estimate.
(B) Seven-day cold-treated (vernalized) Bd21-3 seeds are germinated in small 36-cell sheets in trays to accommodate several plants in a limited space. Typically, trays are covered until seeds germinate and seedlings are established approximately 1 week after planting.
(C) Uncovered trays containing two to three plants per pot in the early vegetative phase (∼2 weeks after planting).
(D) Mature Bd21-3 plants with inflorescence (∼8 weeks after planting).
(E) Senesced plants, ready for harvest ∼12 weeks after planting.
(F) Close-up of dried inflorescence (panicle). The seeds can be separated from the panicle, desiccated, and stored at 4°C.