Figure 4.
Force relaxation of actin-microtubule composites exhibits two-phase power-law decay. (A) Relaxation of ensemble-averaged resistive force after bead displacement is shown as a function of time for composites of varying tubulin fractions ϕT. The color scheme is the same as in Figs. 2 and 3. Force curves exhibit an initial plateau phase until t1 ≈ 0.02 s, after which composites relax via two distinct power-law decays: an initial fast decay (<Fi> ∼ t−α1) until t2 ≈ 0.06 s, followed by a slow decay (<Fi> ∼ t−α2). Vertical dotted lines indicate the crossover timescales t1 and t2. Solid black lines are fits of the data to power laws with exponents α2. (B) Estimated scaling exponents α1 for the fast decay, which decrease proportionally with increasing ϕT and become indistinguishable from α2 when ϕT = 1, are shown. (C) Scaling exponents α2 measured for the second decay phase are shown. Exponents exhibit a nonmonotonic dependence on ϕT reaching a maximum value of ∼0.53 for ϕT = 0.5. To see this figure in color, go online.