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. 2018 Sep 4;5(4):ENEURO.0087-18.2018. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0087-18.2018

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

The structure of a recording day. The preprobe was 10 min long and with the mouse moving around on the cheeseboard without rewards being presented. There were four learning trials in both (1st and 2nd) learning blocks and three rewards were presented in all of them, always in the same three positions within a recording day. During the 1st block, signposts placed right next to the baited holes also guided the animals. The optogenetic intervention (80% laser power) during the 3-h-long sleeps was either SWR-blockade (upper row) or control intervention (lower row). The postprobe was 10 min long, testing the memory retention of the mice, therefore no rewards were presented. The postsleep was used to assess the reactivation of the CA1 pyramidal neurons. The final 30-min-long sleep with regular laser pulses (at 50% laser power) served as a technical control to measure the efficiency of the optogenetic inhibition at single cell level.