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. 2017 Oct 19;4(5):707–711. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.3372

Table 3. Prevalence of Job Lock, Health Insurance Coverage and Denial, and Problems Paying Medical Bills Among Full-time Employed Childhood Cancer Survivors and Siblings.

Prevalence Survivors
(n = 394)
(n = 128)
P Value
No. Weighted % (95% CI)a No. Weighted % (95% CI)a
Experienced job lockb
Yes 84 23.2 (18.9-28.1) 22 16.9 (11.1-25.0) .16
No or do not know 307 76.8 (71.9-81.1) 105 83.1 (75.0-88.9)
Health insurance
Employer-sponsored 339 88.0 (84.1-90.9) 110 88.5 (81.9-92.9) .50
Individual 23 5.3 (3.4-8.3) 6 3.0 (1.2-6.9)
Public 10 2.3 (1.6-4.5) 3 1.9 (0.5-6.1)
Uninsured 20 4.4 (2.7-7.1) 9 6.7 (3.4-7.1)
Problems paying medical bills
Yes 75 20.1 (16.1-24.7) 15 12.9 (7.9-20.6) .09
No 315 79.9 (75.2-83.9) 112 87.1 (79.4-92.1)
Prior health insurance denial
Yes 52 13.4 (10.2-17.5) 3 1.8 (0.47-6.23) <.001
No or do not know 340 86.6 (82.5-89.8) 123 98.2 (93.7-99.5)

Survey weights incorporated with calculated percentages and P values from χ2 statistics to reflect the distribution of the full Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort. Percentages may sum to less than or greater than 100% because of rounding. Column totals may sum to fewer than 394 for survivors and 128 for siblings because of missing data.


Job lock is a term used to describe the self-reported inability of an employee to freely quit a job with full employee benefits because of the limited portability of health insurance.