Fig. 11.
Pairwise tests of differences in the Spearman׳s rho correlation coefficients of ICC(2,1) values and mean streamline counts between all eight factor combinations for (A) Model 1, (B) Model 2, (C) Model 3, and (D) Model 4. Numbers in cells refer to p-values of the z-test of difference between the two Fisher׳s r-to-Z transformed correlation coefficients, adjusted for the false discovery rate (FDR) and then tested against α=.05. Please note that FDR-adjusted p-values can be larger than 1. Green shading denotes p<.05, i.e. significant differences between the two correlations. Gray shading denotes p>.05, i.e. non-significant differences between the two correlations. For all significant comparisons between a visiting and an endpoint variant, the correlation with mean streamline counts was significantly larger for the visiting than the endpoint variant (see Table 4). Abbreviations: End, endpoint streamline selection; vis, visiting streamline selection; nofuz, no fuzzy streamline selection; fuz, fuzzy streamline selection; 1 Rep, 1 reconstruction repetition; 10 Rep, 10 reconstruction repetitions; 12ch, 12-channel head-coil; 32ch, 32-channel head-coil.