Plasma haptoglobin concentrations of beef steers provided similar weekly concentrate DM that was divided and offered daily from d 0 to 42 (7X; four pens), three times weekly from d 0 to 42 (3X; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; five pens), or daily from d 0 to 15 and then three times weekly from d 16 to 42 (7-3X; five pens). Steers were vaccinated with Bovi Shield Gold One Shot and Ultrabac 7 (Zoetis Inc.) on d 0, and Bovi Shield Gold 5 (Zoetis Inc.) and Ultrabac 7 on d 15. Effects of day (P < 0.01), but not frequency of supplementation × day (P = 0.94), were detected for plasma haptoglobin concentrations.