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. 2018 Apr 20;96(5):1877–1888. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky098

Table 4.

Effect of diet characteristics on energy balance of growing pigs

Item Dietary treatment1
Energy balance2, kcal·kg BW0.6−1·d−1
 ME intake 544a 537ab 518b 514b 515b 6 0.003
 THP 286c 288bc 311a 307ab 307ab 5 0.003
 Adjusted THP 277b 282b 315a 313a 312a 6 <0.001
 FHP3 182 189 188 193 186 5 0.529
RE4, kcal·kg BW0.6−1·d−1
 REP 103ab 94ab 96ab 109a 91b 5 0.044
 REL 156a 156a 113b 97.3b 118b 7 <0.001
 Total 259a 250a 209b 207b 209b 5 <0.001
 Adjusted REP 98ab 91b 98ab 111a 93b 5 0.040
 Adjusted REL 152a 154a 114bc 101c 120b 8 <0.001
 Adjusted total 250a 245a 212b 213b 213b 4 <0.001
 Fed state 1.07 1.05 1.08 1.07 1.06 0.01 0.183
 Fasted state3 0.82 0.83 0.80 0.84 0.80 0.01 0.103
Energy utilization, %
 NE/ME 80.9ab 81.8a 76.7c 78.1bc 76.9c 1.1 0.001
Energy values, kcal/kg DM
 DE 3,947a 3,805ab 3,284d 3,520c 3,709b 47 <0.001
 ME 3,843a 3,725a 3,191c 3,414b 3,549b 40 <0.001
 NE15 3,110a 3,047a 2,450c 2,669b 2,729b 42 <0.001
 NE25 3,065 2,978 2,390 2,575 2,677
 Predicted NE5 2,857 2,792 2,297 2,464 2,586

a–dMeans within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).

1Basal = corn–soybean meal basal diet; FFRB = full-fat rice bran diet; DFRB = defatted rice bran diet; CGF = corn gluten feed diet; CGM = corn germ meal diet.

2THP = total heat production; FHP = fasting heat production; adjusted THP means the THP was adjusted for an ME intake of 528 kcal·kg BW0.60−1·d−1 (mean value for the experiment) by covariance.

3FHP was calculated using the equation for THP with gas concentrations and air flow obtained from only the last 8-h heat production measurement from days 19 to 20 (i.e., from 22:30 to 06:30 h). To base production using the same time span as used for THP, the 8-h heat production was extrapolated to a 24-h period. Similarly, the RQ in fasted state was calculated as the ratio between CO2 production and O2 consumption (which was extrapolated to a 24-h period).

4RE = retained energy; REP = retained energy as protein (kcal·kg BW0.6−1·d−1) = [nitrogen intake (g) − nitrogen in feces (g) − nitrogen in urine (g)] × 6.25 × 5.70 (kcal/g)/BW0.6; REL = retained energy as lipids (kcal·kg BW0.6−1·d−1) = [RE (kcal) − retained energy as protein (kcal)]/BW0.6. Adjusted REP, REL, and RE means the REP, REL, and RE was adjusted for an ME intake of 528 kcal·kg BW0.60−1·d−1 (mean value for the experiment) by covariance, respectively.

5NE1 or NE2 (kcal/kg DM) = [RE (kcal/d) + FHP (kcal/d)]/DMI (kg/d), where FHP was from individual FHP measured in this experiment and FHP of Noblet et al. (1994; FHP = 179 kcal·kg BW0.6−1·d−1), respectively; predicted NE (kcal/kg DM) = 0.700 × DE (kcal/kg DM) + [(1.61 × ether extract (%) + 0.48 × starch (%) − 0.91 × CP (%) − 0.87 × ADF (%)] × 10.