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. 2018 Sep 17;13(9):e0201241. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201241

Table 3. Comparisons with previously reported results.

References Biomarkers (No.) Model Test Error AUC
This study Adducts of estrogen quinone (4) MLP 0.0011 1
 [4] SNP (1) NB 0.33
 [4] SNP (2) DT 0.32
 [4] SNP (3) SVM 0.31
 [9] Serum proteins, Age, Race (100) DF 0.84
 [10] Serum proteins (3) BMA 0.15 0.82
 [6] Gene expression PLSR 0.205 0.88
 [32] SNP from GWAS KNN 0.3975
 [33] Gene expression (42) SVM 0.7879
 [5] SNP (200) SVM 0.0395 0.94
 [34] Mammogram RF 0.0838 0.938
NC 0.0859 0.962
KNN 0.0644 0.967

BMA, Bayesian modeling averaging; DF, Data fusion; DT, Decision tress

GWAS, Genome-wide association study; KNN, K-nearest neighbors

MLP, Multilayer perceptron; NB, Niäve Bayes; NC, Nearest centroid

PLSR, Partial least square regression; RF, Random forest; SNP, Single nucleotide polymorphism

SVM, Support vector machine.