Figure 5. OPC differentiation fate at 4 weeks after transplantation into injured sciatic nerve.
(A) Gene expression pattern after sciatic nerve crush (mean ± sd; n = 3, Mann-Whithney U-test, *p<0.01 compared with 30 min after crush, #p<0.05 compared with 3 dpc). (B) Quantification of GFP+ cell number in longitudinal sciatic nerve section in different transplantation paradigms (mean ± sd, three fields per section, three sections per nerve, n = 3 rats per experimental condition, t-Students test, **p<0.01, quantification of GFP+/periaxin+ cells shows their significant contribution in nerves were cells were implanted at 1dpc, shaded bars, # p<0.01). (C) Immunostaining shows grafted cells existing within sciatic nerves at each experimental condition. The first two images of each panel show general view of longitudinal sections in low power, the next three show boxed area reimaged using confocal microscope. Co-localization of GFP (in green), with periaxin (in red) indicates SC differentiation of OPCs grafted into sciatic nerves at 24 hr postinjury, (arrowheads). Non-myelinating GFP+ cells could be also detected (asterisk). SCs differentiation is defective under both dorsomorphin and USAG1 treatment (scale bar 100 μm and 20 μm in low and high power images, respectively).