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. 2018 Jul 2;19:1933–1940. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.06.095
Subject area Biology
More specific subject area Insect transcriptome
Type of data Transcriptome sequences and associated annotations (tables, text file)
How data was acquired 2×54 paired-end read RNAseq of RNA isolated from whole newly emerged unfed adult flies
Data format Raw FASTQ and processed FASTA sequence files, including assembled transcriptome FASTA files
Experimental factors Isolates: Newly emerged unfed adult females, newly emerged unfed adult males, newly emerged unfed adult males treated with permethrin, newly emerged unfed adult males treated with permethrin + piperonyl butoxide
Experimental features Assembled transcriptomes of whole body of newly emerged unfed adult flies (Untreated Control Adult Females, Untreated Control Adult Males, Permethrin-Treated Surviving Adult Males and Permethrin + Piperonyl Butoxide-Treated Killed Adult Males)
Data source location St. Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
Data accessibility Data is with this article and also available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Short Read Archive (SRA) through the direct link or through SRA accession number SRP131897. The adult horn fly transcriptome Shotgun Assembly project has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession GGLM00000000. The version described in this paper is the first version, GGLM01000000. The overall BioProject ID is PRJNA429442 and the BioSample accessions are SAMN08355023, SAMN08355024, SAMN08355025, and SAMN08355026.