The tissue microenvironment, not developmental lineage, controls obesogenic AP proliferation in male perigonadal fat. (A) Anatomy of male perigonadal white adipose tissue (pgWAT) with tip, middle and base indicated. (B) Representative confocal images of tip, middle and base of pgWAT from male Meox1-Cre:mTmG animals. (C) Quantification of mGFP+/mTomato+ adipocytes in noted regions of male Meox1-Cre:mTmG pgWAT (n=4). (D) Quantification of mGFP+/mTomato+ APs in noted regions of male Meox1-Cre:mTmG pgWAT (n=3-4). (E) Scatterplot indicating concordant tracing of adipocytes and APs in each region of male Meox1-Cre:mTmG pgWAT. Each dot represents the percentage of APs and adipocytes that are mGFP+ for the indicated region of the depot in one animal (n=3-4). As the pgWAT depot exists in a pair, one depot was used for quantifying adipocyte labeling and the other for AP labeling. Significance was determined using Pearson's two-tailed correlation analysis. (F) BrdU incorporation into APs of tip, middle and base of male pgWAT after 1 week of HFD (n=5). (G) BrdU incorporation into somite-derived (mGFP+) and non-somite-derived (mTomato+) APs of male Meox1-Cre:mTmG pgWAT (n=6). Error bars represent s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 (unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test on indicated groups in C,D,F,G, significance determined using mGFP+ cells in C and D). B, base; HFD, high fat diet; M, mid; NS, not significant; SD, standard diet; SM, somitic mesoderm; T, tip. Scale bar: 100 µm.