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. 2018 May 3;12(5):1530–1540. doi: 10.1177/1557988318768600

Table 3.

Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations for Study Variables, by Sex.

Variable Subjective well-being Parent–adolescent relationship Body mass index Mild activity Moderate activity Strenuous activity
Boys (n = 107)
 Subjective well-being 1 .258b −.164 .039 .014 .147
 Parent–adolescent relationship .258b 1 −.182 −.001 .062 .220a
 Body mass index −.164 −.182 1 −.006 −.055 −.122
 Light activity .039 −.001 −.006 1 .474b −.054
 Moderate activity .014 .062 −.055 .474b 1 .271
 Strenuous activity .147 .220a −.122 −.054 .271b 1
Girls (n = 126)
 Subjective well-being 1 .443b .062 .009 −.060 .284b
 Parent–adolescent relationship .443b 1 .025 −.082 −.029 .185a
 Body mass index .062 .025 1 −.013 −.240 −.135
 Light activity .009 −.082 −.013 1 .399b .060
 Moderate activity −.060 −.029 −.240 .399 1 −.037
 Strenuous activity .284b .185a −.135 .060 −.037 1

Note. ap < .05. bp < .01.