A) Representative genome browser images of AS of Ablim3 exon 18, Per1 exon 16, and Gpr116 exon 12 in mock treated, non-diabetic (Control) or STZ:T1D mice left ventricles based on RNA-Seq reads. % inclusion of Ablim3 exon 18, Per1 exon 16, and Gpr116 exon 12 was determined by qRT-PCR in B) Control or STZ:T1D (n≥3) and C) in non-diabetic (Control) or NOD:T1D mice left ventricles (n≥3). In AS gel figures +E# = Exon # inclusion and −E# = Exon # exclusion. Data represent means ± SD. P-values are represented as **** < 0.0001, *** < 0.001, * < 0.05.